Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Princess Club: A Tale of 4 Kingdoms

What a special treat! We had princesses from FOUR countries represented at our club! Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil, and the United States!! The Princesses from the Kingdom of Nicaragua had come on a far-away journey to share about the princesses in their kingdom. With them came an ambassador princess from Brazil.  The princesses from Nicaragua taught the girls how to dance to our Princess Club theme song, Yo Soy Tu Amada. The girls had a wonderful time following the steps and every one got involved. The best part, though, was the pretty dresses the princesses brought. The girls loved trying them on and had fun whirling and twirling. Ever princess needs a great dress!! 

 Princesses Mildred and Rebecca also shared a traditional dance with the girls. 
Princess Rafaelee, from Brazil, taught the girls how to say "Hello, my name is_____" in Portuguese. She also taught the girls what it means to be a princess in another country. 

The girls in turn shared about what they have been learning about during the last few weeks. They were able to tell the visiting princesses about the power of our words, our authority in the kingdom, and the inheritance our Father King has promised us. In talking about different kingdoms, we helped the girls make pictures of their own kingdoms to remind them about what we were learning. 

I can't believe we've already completed 8 weeks of Princess Club!!! I seems like just yesterday we were making and sending out invitations. What an amazing journey it's been! Next week will be our graduation and fiesta!!! It has been wonderful seeing the girls learn about identity. What's next?!? Princess Club 2?!? We're not sure yet. Ana Laura and I are going to take several weeks off (I'll be in the States for 3 weeks) and we're going to pray about what God wants next for the princess club. We are trying to decide if we should start the club over with a new set of girls, keep the same girls and go deeper, or both. Pray for wisdom!! The video below is the dance Mildred taught the girls to our theme song. ENJOY!!!


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