Friday, October 7, 2011

Climbing the walls....

Ever had a day where you said your kids were so hyper they were climbing the walls?
Well, Veronia's literally do. 
I stopped by today to visit. 
It was raining. Joshua was asleep. 
And I think the kids were a little bored of being inside. 
Either that or they wanted to impress me with their monkey abilities....

Veronia also proudly showed me her new washing machine.
She found one on sale and just had it brought up.

These pictures are taken inside Veronia and Alejandro's house. All 8 of them sleep here. 
Veronia always has it neat, all the kids clothes folded and all the dishes clean and put away. 
This is their entire house. There are no other rooms.
From where I'm standing, to my right is the door out.
To my left is a stove, washing machine, and sink.
Whenever I visit, Veronia is always smiling and the kids are always running around playing.

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