Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Needs in Costa Rica

Team season is now in full swing! We still have 11 teams during the rest of this year. I usually get requests for things teams can bring. At the end of every blog, on my home page, is an up-to-date list of all the items to pack personally for a trip, as well as suggestions for items to donate to our church thrift store and for random other items that are always a welcome blessing. Recently Rodney and Cindy asked Dago, the dude in charge of kid's ministry, for any needs they have for working with the kids. Here is his list (the items in parenthesis are his translation of Spanish to English to help Rodney and Cindy figure out what he meant...some of them are accurate and others were just down right funny, so I included them for mutual amusement....)

Tempera paint
Colored construction paper (cardboard of colors)
Newsprint paper (periodic paper)
Popsicle sticks (lean palettes)
Foam the arts and craft section, also called foamies
Toothpicks (chopsticks of tooth)
Masking tape
Play dough/modelling clay (cold silicon)
White child sized t-shirts
Fabric paints

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