Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another case of the Thursdays.

It was hot here today. Stinking hot. The kind of hot that is most insufferable. The kind of hot where you feel lazy and antsy all at the same time. The kind of miserable temperature where you are not angry or mad or frustrated, but could still throw something just to see it break. And humid. The humidity hung thick in the air today, like a wet blanket. It was the kind of hot, humid day where the only really good idea is to take a nap and wait for it to rain. It's been wanting to rain all day. So I decided to shake off my antsy-ness and see what was going on in the community. 
I found many people in the same mood...
Here's a look.

Dennis sits in front of Ida's house by the old kinder.

All the ladies up at Doña Fransisca´s house.

Mercedes and Francini. 
Mercede´s expression pretty much says it all.

 I brought up some balloons for the kids. 
They had a race to see who could blow theirs up the fastest.

 Genesis is learning to color :)
Doña Fransisca prepares supper...Pig head. 
Welcome to Los Anonos.
Itzel plays Cinderella in her aunt´s shoes.
Dude, this baby has the best faux-hawk EVER!!!

 Mauricio washes one of the school buses 
in front of the Catholic church.

 Laundry day for Milagro.

Moises and Yuron buy snacks in one of the local pulperias. 
The store clerk peeks around the corner to see what I'm doing.

Our Cafe Internet at the church is open for business.
The dudes try to stay cool by sitting outside.

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